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Re: IETF Last Call under RFC 3683 concerning JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

2006-01-22 11:41:04
-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Eliot Lear <lear(_at_)cisco(_dot_)com> 

I do not support approval of this PR-action. 


I don't mean any offense by this but the "Because" is the whole problem of 
these PR-Actions.  Somehow "rough concensus" has turned into "the IESG is the 
jury and the IETF members have to make convincing arguments one way or the 
other".  The IESG need not be convinved of anything and the "because" is not 
anyone's bussiness but yours (and is quite frankly off topic unless you start a 
WG called "why I don't think so-and-so should play here anymore").
I mean really, has anyone ever had their opinion changed because of something 
someone said during these PR-Actions?  Because if you have you certainly didn't 
share that with the rest of us (making your change of heart null unless you 
mailed it to the IESG).
Motion.  Vote.  NO CROSS TALK.  Decide.  Move on.
Or just admit merely controlling who gets to speak isn't satisfying enough, you 
must also convince everyone you are right   For that's the only reason for 
these absurdities as I'm sure you already know.
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