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Re: Required doc sections (Re: [saag] Next step on web phishing draft(draft-hartman-webauth-phishing-05.txt))

2007-09-12 08:26:45
Thomas Narten wrote:
Agreed. In my experience, the IANA does not want the I-D to contain a
section entitled "IANA Considerations" if there are no actions required
of the IANA.

Your experience does not match what IANA has stated numerous
times. Please see section 6.1 of
draft-narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434bis-07.txt, which contains
text that IANA has a large part in crafting.

By "my experience" I mean for example RFC 3922; during Auth48 or
thereabouts I was told that the IANA didn't want the document to include
an "IANA Considerations" section since there were no actions required of
the IANA. But perhaps that was a miscommunication.


Peter Saint-Andre

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