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Re: Publicizing IETF nominee lists [Fwd: Last Call: draft-dawkins-nomcom-openlist (Nominating Committee Process: Open Disclosure of Willing Nominees) to BCP]

2009-06-12 12:50:39
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Russ White wrote:
If everyone knew, there would be more lobbying since there would be more
people participating. I doubt the direct or secret-list lobbying would
wane much as a result.

I don't think you'll get any more lobbying than you get now. The point
of the nomcom being people, rather than a simple vote, is to filter out
this sort of lobbying, because it's going to happen either way.

Having only the Nomcom decide amplifies lobbying, because the effort can
be concentrated on a small set of voters. A similar effect happened last
year in the US when the effect of a popular vote was insufficient to
select a Democratic party nominee. Rather than lobbying the general
public, effort was focused on "superdelagates" whose vote was not tied
to the general public. (yes, this is simplified, but I hope the point is

The question is: Is the nomcom better at filtering out lobbying, or
failures to get effective feedback because we're trying to keep
something "secret?" After serving on the nomcom three times, I can
easily say more feedback is better, and I'd rather work at weeding out
lobbying--which I must do anyway--than to try and fix lack of feedback,
or make "educated guesses."

Again, I agree that this is better for the Nomcom. The questions are:

        1- is this better for the pool of applicants
                or does being on a public list provide
                a reason not to offer to serve?

        2- is this better for the IETF as a whole
                does the Nomcom actually come to a
                better decision as a result?

I've shown specific impact to #1 above.

The Nomcom does NOT select the best person for each position. They
select the best person _available_, using a set criteria that at least
partly bias their decision to avoid controversy (what if *all* the
selected nominees were from Canada in one year?), as influenced by
whatever lobbying occurs to re-bias that decision.

Making the list public changes all these factors, but does not clearly
make the decision more reliable when considered as a whole.

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