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Re: draft-housley-two-maturity-levels-00

2010-06-22 11:14:42

I support this change, as written in Russ's draft.
This is not a surprise, as I've proposed this kind
of change myself in the past (as have several other

I see various people quibbling about aspects of this
proposal, but I haven't seen any serious defence of
the obviously broken (i.e. hasn't worked for at least
10 years now as near as I can tell) current 3-tier

Rather than quibble about the details of this, I'd
urge folks to support the move to 2-track.  

If it becomes clear later, after experience with 2-track, 
that 2-track needs to be further refined later, then
the community can always do that.  In the meantime, it
is quite clear the 3-track system is not working.

I'll note that past proposals for 2-track have failed
because of such quibbles.  "Best" really is the enemy
of "better" in this situation.  Lets not freeze up
due to quibbles about micro-optimisation.



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