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Re: IETF areas re-organisation steps

2014-12-26 15:30:10

On Dec 25, 2014, at 11:25 AM, IETF Chair <chair(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org> wrote:

I find the date, um, "interesting”. Personally, on December 25, I am involved 
with other activities. I note that my company generally makes financial 
announcements a few minutes after NASDAQ closes, and a variety of organizations 
make announcements when they think nobody is listening. Is the IETF...?


The IESG believes the re-organization should proceed according to the
following principles:

1) Agility: The IESG should be able to adapt as Internet engineering evolves.
When work focus shifts and new technologies emerge, it is critical that the
the IESG can follow the shift and effectively manage the new work.

2) Relevance: The organization of the technical work must facilitate the
IETF's continued relevance to the industry. As we change how we develop
technology throughout the Internet, the IETF must be able to change how our
standards development works with the technology development.

3) Flexibility: The organization of the IESG and of the technical areas should
accommodate variations in workloads, time commitments, and AD skillsets, as
well as changes in those over time. It is important to make it possible for
more IETF participants to be able to serve as Area Directors and to make the
work co-exist with their normal jobs.

4) Sustainability: The Area Director role should be a position that
accomplished engineers aspire to and that employers want to support. We should
emphasize the "steering" and "director" aspects, supporting and guiding the
technical work in the working groups.

The principles make sense to me.

What I might suggest is that the IESG first wonder among itself whether it has 
the right areas. Deciding to blur the boundaries between them might work in the 
short term, but ultimately isn’t an organizing principle.

Suggesting that draft-whatever(_dot_)all(_at_)tools(_dot_)ietf(_dot_)org should 
include every email address in the charter makes sense.