
Re: Problem with 2.3.3 install

1998-11-14 12:48:53
On November 13, 1998 at 09:51, John Beranek wrote:

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.
valhalla: ~/MHonArc2.3.3 : uname -a
SunOS valhalla 5.5 Generic_103093-22 sun4d sparc SUNW,SPARCserver-1000
valhalla: ~/MHonArc2.3.3 : perl
Can't locate in @INC at line 37.
Anytime you get complaints related to Perl pragmas, this usually implies
that you have an incomplete, or bad, installation of perl.  You
should verify your installation.  Or just upgrade to the latest stable
release; 5.001m is somewhat old.


Earl Hood

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