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Re: Extraneous ignore-write-error flag ignored

2001-11-14 17:06:11
At 01:18 PM 11/14/2001, David W. Tamkin wrote:
Andrew Dul asked,

| After moving to this version I noted that there were a number of errors of
| "procmail: Extraneous ignore-write-error flag ignored"  in my log file.

I'll second Martin McCarthy's response: you must be using an `i' flag on
recipes whose action is to open a left brace.

OK, I'll bite....  it appeared newly in the logs for me as well,
in 3.21, with a .procmailrc I've had for a *long* time.

*WHY* isn't "i" legal (and is "W"?) on a recipe whose action is
to open a left brace?

Here's the fragment of mine that seems to be causing the messages:

:0 iW
* ^Subject:.*test-this-thing
* !^From:.*digest
* !^From .*bitnet
* !^X-Loop:.*stanr@
    SUBJ=`formail -rtzxSubject:`
    PW=`gawk '/^[       ]*[Bb][Ee][Gg][Ii][Nn]/{print $2;exit}' -`
    :0 BiW: ntest.lock
    * PW ?? (^[0-9])

    :0 iW: ntest.lock

Note that the gawk program will not always read the entire message.
I don't know whether formail will or not.  It doesn't make sense
to me NOT to have "iW" on the recipe with the opening brace, due
to the programs executed for variable assignment within it.

Enlightenment would be appreciated!


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