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Re: Processing Loop

2003-02-14 15:38:53
The canonical way to prevent loops is to add an X-Loop: header on
messages that might loop (like, say, because they're be re-mailed), and
test for the same header on incoming messages.  The man pages have
explanations and examples of this usage.

The spam program puts a X-header in, I just am not sure how to build the
rule in procmail that if that header exists before it goes to process
through the spam detection system, just deliver it and exit. From my
readings I know there are flags for the rules that tell it to not do this if
that was done etc.. but I am not sure how to make it do the delivery then

Assuming all messages to spamtrap(_at_)rivernet(_dot_)net are spam that is 
in this fashion, then another obvious possibility is to check for
messages To: spamtrap(_at_)rivernet(_dot_)net at the top of the rcfile and 
them where they belong without subjecting them to the rest of the rfile.
Arguably, you'd want to do this for performance reasons anyway, even if
you do use an X-Loop: header - which you should.

Either choice requires nothing more than very elementary filters which
should be easily deducible from the man pages and with examples
abundantly available from the list archives.

Email address in From: header is valid  * but only for a couple of days *
This is my reluctant response to spammers' unrelenting address harvesting

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