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Re: How to deal fakename(_at_)real-domain(_dot_)com mail

2003-02-22 06:59:28
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 the voices made S Semple write:

SS> Thanks like you I have been swamped by work. I will look at your example.
SS> I have discovered that one of the first samples someone gave me here is not
SS> actually what I want.
SS> It does search for the names in the passwd and nicely formats it into a
SS> |joe|fred|etc command for grep but it fails in that what I want is
SS> something that will delete mail that is sent to the right domain but there
SS> is no such user. You know porn(_at_)mydomain(_dot_)com .

 Of course it fails, nowadays I rarely send a recipe to anyone that would
actually delete e-mails (atleast not when it isn't something very simple and
very targeted); that last change of the "action" has to be done by the user
himself... otherwise he'll just blame me if it doesn't work in his situation.

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