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Re: SPF for Sendmail, without milter - preferably a ruleset

2004-01-08 08:46:38
Do you think that we ought to goi ahead and do the magic DNS server for those sendmail users who just want a single rule? My concern is that we really want the SPF code incorporated inside sendmail, but that isn't going to happen quickly. The magic DNS server stuff could be built and tested in a few days -- though deploying an operational setup might take longer (need to find well connected machines and produce detailed operational plans).


Meng Weng Wong wrote:

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 07:17:43AM -0500, Jason Buchanan wrote:
| | Does a ruleset exist which incorporates SPF into sendmail? | | I've seen the milter+perl script but do not want to use it for various | reasons. |
I'm not familiar with sendmail internals, but I would assume sendmail
would require a C patch to support a ruleset.  While the sendmail
ruleset language is, ahem, probably Turing-complete, a patch just seems
saner.  I understand someone is working on a C patch; when they are
done, maybe someone with Sendmail experience could integrate it?

I know Eric Allman was unhappy with SPF's complexity and told me he
preferred one of the simpler alternatives, eg. DMP, which would work
well with an existing DNSBL-style lookup.  If we can give him a patch,
that might help change his mind enough to put it in the distribution.

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