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Re: SPF for Sendmail, without milter - preferably a ruleset

2004-01-08 11:22:20
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 11:59:04AM -0600, wayne wrote:
| I agree with the scaling problems and the problems of weaning people
| off the magic DNS server.  However, the "solution" to both of these
| problems may be each other.  If a timeout/lookup failure is failsafe
| (it should be), then simply letting the magic DNS server get
| overloaded will natually cause people to stop using it.
| This would let many MTAs, not just sendmail, to very quickly add a few
| lines to their config, see that it works well, notice that "#(_at_)^$%^
| this is slow!" and then go through the effort of doing it right.  For
| systems that do very little email processing, this could still be a
| good, semi-long term solution.  They wouldn't need to worry about
| keeping the SPF software up to date.

Well, before we go too far down this path, let's see what comes along in
the way of native C patches to Qmail and Sendmail.  I have a feeling
something may appear next week.

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