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Re: SPF for Sendmail, without milter - preferably a ruleset

2004-01-08 08:52:42
On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 10:46:38AM -0500, Philip Gladstone wrote:
| Do you think that we ought to goi ahead and do the magic DNS server for 
| those sendmail users who just want a single rule? My concern is that we 
| really want the SPF code incorporated inside sendmail, but that isn't 
| going to happen quickly. The magic DNS server stuff could be built and 
| tested in a few days -- though deploying an operational setup might take 
| longer (need to find well connected machines and produce detailed 
| operational plans).

That would work, but I'm worried that we'll see a scaling problem and
the magic DNS servers will be overwhelmed with traffic.  Is there
something I'm not seeing?

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