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Re: how blacklisting will work in the future

2004-01-13 04:58:50
On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 22:39, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

I can't predict what will happen with much accuracy, but if you're
getting a message from a domain that your reputation provider doesn't
know anything about, you can still always run SpamAssassin after the
greylisting delay.  Once you've accepted the message locally and
manually reviewed it, you can add the information to your local
reputation scheme --- in other words, a whitelist or blacklist.

Predictions are so difficult, even more so when they pertain to future
events :-)

Your suggestions as to how to proceed are fine. With commercial ISPs,
however, additional aspects may come into play.

IMHO, however, large ISPs could use the denial of communication with
minor sites - on the grounds of "no reputation available" - as a means
to enlarge their user base. Don't you think this could happen? Wouldn't
that be a dire consequence of your scheme?

BTW: I'm running SpamAssassin anyway :-)

Best wishes and regards, 


I would like to see a distributed reputation system where many ISPs
share data.

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