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RE: OT: Spam traps (was: Forwarders)

2004-01-12 18:21:40
Spot The Dog [spotthedog(_at_)boresjo(_dot_)demon(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk] wrote:
On Monday 12 January 2004 7:40 pm, Julian Mehnle wrote:
Such mails should never go to spam trap addresses.  By definition, no
legitimate mails whatsoever should ever go to spam trap addresses. 
That's why spam traps are so effective.

What if somebody malicious (ie a spammer wishing to bring your
blacklist into disrepute) enters your spamtrap address at a website
registration of the type which sends a 'confirmation email'?

I already explained multiple times that a *single* spam trap hit won't cause a 
*good* blacklist to list the sending IP address, especially if that IP address 
has sent legitimate mail in the past.  'nuff said.

Or, what if a spammer uses your spamtrap address as the return-path at
an innocent third-party MTA and for any reason the mail bounces?

SPF would prevent the 3rd-party MTA from bouncing (or even accepting) such an 
obviously forged message.

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