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Re: [fetchmail]Fetchmail and vpopmail

2002-04-24 13:40:05
On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Im Eunjea wrote:

* Todd Goldenbaum <todd(_at_)marigoldtech(_dot_)com> [2002-04-24 13:21]:

I am trying to use fetchmail to grab mail off of a vpopmail server.
Vpopmail (inter7.com/vpopmail) allows you to manage multiple email
domains using a database to store users/domains, etc.  However, since
my user and domain are both virtual (vs a real unix shell acct, etc)
fetchmail can't seem to do it's job.

Hopefully I'm just using it incorrectly, but i don't htink so.  Here
is the current .fetchmailrc line I'm using:

poll mail.marigoldtech.com port 12345 via localhost with proto pop3:
user "user" pass "pass" fetchall expunge 10 preconnect "ssh -C -l user
-f x.x.x.x -L 12345:x.x.x.x:110 sleep 5"

ssh can connect successfully, but then it times out:

fetchmail: timeout after 300 seconds waiting to connect to server
fetchmail: mail.marigoldtech.com. client/server synchronization error
fetchmail: while fetching from mail.marigoldtech.com

any ideas?


My pop server also using qmail + vpopmail + 200 virtual servers,
and fetchmail working without problem.

I think you have to supply user name with domain name.
this is from my .fetchmailrc:

user "silver(_at_)domain(_dot_)org" there with password "xxxx" is silver here
That is exactly what it was!  Thanks to both of you for your advice.


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