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Re: [fetchmail] sendmail without dns support

2003-11-30 23:55:28
From: "Nabin Limbu" <nlimbu(_at_)healthnet(_dot_)org(_dot_)np>

I know this might be not an appropriate place for this question. But
I think its a faster way to get answer about this problem.

I am trying to configure offline mail server with fetchmail and
sendmail. I don't want my sendmail to lookup for domain name and send
mail. i.e regardless of any address, I just want my sendmail to
forward all my queued mail to my ISP mail server. On our behalf my
ISP mail server will lookup for domain name and send mail to

Try comp.mail.sendmail - in particular the groups.google.com archive. This has been asked, and answered, before.

Keep in mind that the answer will vary with the version of sendmail you use.

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