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Re: [fetchmail]fetchmail POP3 problem

2004-02-11 06:52:34

-----Original Message-----
From: fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org
[mailto:fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org] On Behalf 
Of Martin

there's a computer on our network which fetches email from a
couple of online accounts. Some of the accounts are
configured in .fetchmailrc with the 'keep' option, to leave
the email on the server. However, each time I run fetchmail,
it fetches all messages for those accounts, including ones it
already fetched on a previous run.
The protocol it uses is POP3.
Fetchmail runs under user root, and fetches & distributes
email to a couple of regular users on that machine.

Did you try UIDL?

Uhm I didn't actually. I'm new to fetchmail and thought UIDL was used
automatically by fetchmail.
I added -U to the parameters and now things are working just fine. Thanks


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