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Re: [fetchmail]fetchmail 6.2.9-rc3 available

2005-09-20 06:42:04
On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Rob Funk wrote:

Matthias Andree wrote:
On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Jim Correia wrote:
Adding -DBIND_8_COMPAT to the CFLAGS also seems to solve the problem.

Ah well. I wonder if fetchmail is using some "down deep" BIND interface
it should not be meddling with.

I spent a bit of time trying to figure this out last night.  res_search() 
gives a byte-array answer, but I couldn't find any published interface 
for how to interpret that answer.  And the answer is definitely not in an 

I'm not 100% sure, but apparently RFC-1034 or 1035, the DNS RFCs.
res_query()/res_search() return the raw UDP response.

Then there's dn_expand that decompresses the DNS reply into a full name,
but I'm not yet sure about how to take apart the reply and haven't got
time to look closer now. Note that Solaris marks res_search() as
deprecated and suggests res_nsearch(), but I'm not sure how portable
/that/ is either...

Matthias Andree

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