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Re: a plea for simplicity

1991-04-29 13:24:05
Excerpts from internet.ietf-822: 29-Apr-91 a plea for simplicity Mark
Crispin(_at_)tomobiki-ch (4216)

(2) Elimination of the version stuff.  Versions are bogus.  Invariably,
there is one that works, and none of the others do, and hence the
version is really a constant

I know of several systems where this is not the case.  This is actually,
as far as I can tell, the only living baby that Mark wants to throw out
with the bathwater...

I also think that the idea that our current version of "text" works
"well enough" is a very USA-centric view.  However reverting to a
content-type of "text" with a place to specify character sets (either in
a separate header or as part of content-type) is a clear and simple
solution.  What makes it messy, as we have seen, is the enumeration of
what character sets are "standard". 

Beyond that, I think that Mark's proposed simplification consists mostly
of eliminating recursive content-types (which I'm all for) and
eliminating the list of content-types, which I think would be a shame
just because most of them ain't all that controversial, and it is really
nice if people can use the same names for the same things...

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