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Re: on the end-to-endness of SMTP

1991-06-11 11:42:43

    If you want to debate source routing, percent-hacking, and other forms
of routing offline, that's fine. This is far afield from the present
discussion, which is basically whether or not SMTP can be regarded as
end-to-end. My purpose was to point out that the host requirements fell far
short of eliminating source routing entirely, support for it is thus
required (whether or not it "works", I know what you mean but it is a
totally separate discussion), hence SMTP cannot possibly be regarded as
simply an end-to-end protocol!

    As you may have guessed, citing this stuff from the host requirements
RFC pushed one of my buttons. I guess I then pushed one of yours, for which
I'm sorry. But this discussion is off-center as far as the list goes. I'll
respond in detail off-line, OK?

    If, on the other hand, you want to adopt the position that SMTP is an
end-to-end protocol, fire away...


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