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Re: Let us finish RFC-XXXX NOW! (Re: non-ascii headers)

1991-09-25 10:20:09
Excerpts from mail: 25-Sep-91 Re: Let us finish RFC-XXXX .. Jim
Knowles(_at_)binky(_dot_)arc(_dot_)na (1360)

Is it premature to ask for a position list on some of the controversial items?

In a word: Yes.

In previous drafts, Ned & I have had a great deal of success with the
following strategy:  work out a position on the issues that is
satisfactory to both of us BEFORE posting a draft to the list.  I think
that this strategy has been very valuable in focusing the debate and
moving it towards closure, and is especially appropriate this time
around, given that Ned & I have been arguing opposite sides of one or
two issues.

So, please don't regard this as an attempt to be imperious or
dictatorial, but I think we're most likely to make progress at this
point if Ned & I can have a few days to hash out a position we can
jointly defend before we return to the group with anything like a new
draft or even "the present score".  -- Nathaniel

PS --  What do you mean by "Content-KHFO"?