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Re: RFC-XXXX's richtext

1991-12-13 07:25:11
Excerpts from internet.ietf-822: 13-Dec-91 RFC-XXXX's richtext Guido van
Rossum(_at_)cwi(_dot_)nl (1238)

- Has anyone implemented or attempted to implement text/richtext
  beyond the trivial implementation of Appendix D?  The draft doesn't
  seem to be changed much, nor have I seen much discussion of richtext
  on the mailing list, which makes me suspect that everybody is
  secretly planning to ignore this particular part of the standard...

I've implemented a richtext-to-Andrew translator, which suffices for
many of my purposes.  Eventually, I hope to write a native X richtext
displayer.  Also, the draft changed a lot from June to October, but not
that much in this pass.

- There seem to be two different ways to force a line break: enclosing
  text in <paragraph> </paragraph> tags or inserting <nl>.

That's right.  Some people wanted it each way.  Personally, I could
easily live without <paragraph>.

- Has anyone consulted an SGML expert about this?  I seem to recall
  that SGML prefers to use tags with *semantic* meaning (e.g.,
  <emphasis>) rather than *lay-out* meaning such as <Bold>).

I think that the word "prefer" here may be a little strong?

- The <ISO-10646> tag worries me.  I seem to recall that 10646 may
  come in 2-byte and 4-byte flavors.  How am I supposed to find the
  corresponding end tag?!?!?!  Or us some encoding scheme implied?

I'm not sure what the right answer to this one is.  Any suggestions?

  (Also, shouldn't there be a charset=... parameter that sets the
  initial character set, instead of fixing this to be ASCII?)

No, I think the right solution here, as with MNEMONIC, is to simplify by
having a well-defined initial state.  This state, of course, can be
viewed either as US-centric or as backward-compatible, depending on how
friendly you feel... :-)

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