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Re: Use of Mnemonic in EUnet and NorduNet

1992-02-05 19:48:11
Randall Atkinson writes:
  On another note, I heard from someone in the Nordunet Engineering
Task Force (NETF) who indicated that Mnemonic was originally put in a
draft of their mail document mainly because Keld had claimed that
other organisations were in favor of using it and had committed to it.

I have watched Keld try to pull this trick for several months now. He
makes a proposal to several working groups at once, and to several of
them he says that one or more of the other groups have already more or
less committed to his proposal. I subscribe to many mailing lists and
read several Usenet newsgroups, so I know that this is happening.

I did not try to correct the situation in every case, only in some
cases, especially the ones I am most interested in. For example:

# Message-Id: <9109300308(_dot_)AA00298(_at_)sran8(_dot_)sra(_dot_)co(_dot_)jp>
# From: erik(_at_)sra(_dot_)co(_dot_)jp (Erik M. van der Poel)
# To: ietf-822(_at_)dimacs(_dot_)rutgers(_dot_)edu
# Subject: mnemonics for Japanese
# Date: Mon, 30 Sep 91 12:08:03 +0900
# Keld writes:
# > My point is that Mnemonics have got CJK support and that these mnemonics
# > are good enough to be of use to JIS (the Japanese member body of ISO).
# To be fair, you should also mention that the Japanese have been
# demanding the ability to use Japanese character codes in POSIX charmap
# comments, precisely because the mnemonics are unreadable for Japanese.
# Another minor point, just for your info: the Japanese member body of
# ISO is called JISC, not JIS.
# Finally, I should point out that all of this has very little to do
# with email. I believe that the Japanese will continue to use their
# form of ISO 2022 in email, and the mnemonic method is useless for
# Japanese email.
# But it is wonderful for many alphabetic languages!

If Keld is not doing this deliberately, and if it is a result of
misunderstanding, I hereby sincerely apologize in advance.

Also, I still feel that Keld has done and is doing a great service to
the world, regardless of my other feelings about his tactics.

But in any case, I felt compelled to let the readers of these lists
know that there IS a problem, whether intentional or not.

Erik van der Poel

PS  Keld, please be careful, but DO keep up the good work!

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