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Re: Revising Richtext

1992-02-06 20:08:26
Well, I am certainly not the last word on this topic, and I am echoing
filtered signals from the MIME mailing list, but the pattern cure
looks clear to me now, that Richtext is Not Ready For Prime Time.

Are you agreeing to separate it in a new RFC-RICH, or just leave it is
ait is?  I fear I have responded to too many postions with an "I
AGREE!" so now I need to sort out which one I really mean?

have you assessed the over-all consensus of the group on this?  It is
my feeling now that John Klensin has decoded the riddle with his last
proposal to separate it out into RFC-RICH, ala RFC-MNEM and RFC-2022.

All you need to do after separating it out is get cranking on fixing
RFC-RICH for submission.  I don't really see why this is a bad idea. 

Maybe someone can offer a really good explanation of why it is bad.


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