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mime formats and versions in format specifications

1992-03-27 15:19:20
I feel pretty concerned about the lack of precision in the registered
data types in MIME mail -- it will come to haunt us VERY SOON. How
hard would it be at this point to change "ps" to "ps;1" and "gif" to
"gif;89a" and "tiff" to "tiff;5.0"?

I read thru a lot of the archived mail of this mailing list, and while
the topic was skirted, it didn't seem like it was taken very
seriously. Mark Crispin argued by analogy that "FTP only had one
version number", "TCP has only one version number", but I don't think
the analogy applies very well.

Perhaps you think you've pushed off this issue to the IANA, but I
don't think so, in that the types that are not IANA-registered and
built in don't have version numbers.