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re: MIME in pine3.05

1992-12-11 12:51:33
For the information of the readership of IETF-822:

On Fri, 11 Dec 92 16:31:17 +0200, Pekka Kytolaakso wrote:
I was just trying mixmh and noticed a problem in pine. Pine seems
to understand MIME-messages only if header 'MIME-Version:' appears
before any 'Content' headers.

I just tested this, and I am unable to reproduce this problem.  Pine does
require that a MIME-Version header be present before it will parse any Content
headers, but it expressly looks in the rest of the header for a MIME-Version
header if it hasn't already found one when it hits the first Content header.

Either this is a bug in Pine, or there is something faulty in the headers that
mixmh generates.  No action on the part of the IETF-822 group is called for;
we do not claim that there are or should be any order dependencies in message

I will continue this discussion on the Pine-specific list.

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