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Re: text/enriched

1993-08-05 09:50:32
  1) I have already written a text/richtext parser.  It
  was easy to write and I have the funtionality I need.

That has not been a universal experience, Several of us found 
the original spec to be quite ambiguous as to how certain 
operators should be handled when nested and other things as 
well, many of us were relectant to implement all that 
featurism, I dont have the resources of Microsoft or 
Claris---getting bold/italic/single underline and font 
sizes out of a macintosh is trivial, doing tabs, sub/superscript, 
indented paragraphs, headers and footers is not so easy, 
especially when one wants to support foreign language display.  
Other platforms have different difficultys, but the bottom line 
is that RichText was overly ambitious.

I, and others, argued that it was beyond the resources of this 
committee to attempt a general document markup scheme, and 
since there were commercial alternatives (several with 
poly-platform asperation) we should limit ourselves to 
something more likely to get implemented.

All sorts of functionallity got discussed, even polylingual 
content, and there is no point in rehashing the details here, 
please see the archives from last spring and summer, then this 
winter for details.

Nobody seemed able to come up with a solution to fix RichText.  
When a rewrite was profered, it seemed to fill the bill, and 
it was issued a distinct name to avoid confusion between the 2.  
Neither is an ideal system, given the multiple platforms from 
which people try to access mail it is unlikely that any one 
scheme will be implemented universally unless it is formulated 
by such a committe as this is, the result is likely to be the 
proverbial camel, so please bear with it.

Oh, I dont think text/RichText is recomended anymore, so you 
would only be expected to support text/enriched

  7) The automatic linebreak caused by the formatting
  commands (e.g. <center>) is unnecessary.

        <P> text1 <nl><nl> <C> text2 </C> <nl><nl> text3 </P>.

----begin rhetorical example
<P>The scope of <lit><center></lit> is not intuitive.  One 
possible use is for text set off from the body of a paragraph
<nl>      <C> such as this </C>
<nl>and for this a natural reading is appropriate---and yes, 
here, implied newline(s) before and after is a bit much.</P>
----end rhetoric example

How should this display?

        <P> text1 <C> text2 </C> text3 </P>

Obviously, the beginning lines of text1, and the trailing 
lines of text3 should be left set and wrapped.  The middle 
lines of text2 would be wrapped and center set.  

The trouble comes with the transitional lines, the tail of 
text1 plus the beginning of text2, and the tail of text2 
plus the beginning of text3.  Because of line wrapping there 
would be no real demarcation at the breaks.  You can argue 
that no sane composing agent would emit such a string, and 
you might be right, but it is legal RichText, so it must 
be considered.  

if <Center>...</Center> implies something like  

        <nl><C> ... </C><nl> 

then no question exists, which IMHO was the intention 
(for good or ill) of the automatic linebreak(s).

I am not sure which is better for our purpose, midlevel 
operators such as this <Center>, or primitive operators 
from which they would be built.  Its a bit like choosing 
between Assembler and assembler with structured macros. 

Another example of a midlevel operator is <Superscript>.  
Some have argued that it should both displace the baseline 
and reduce the size of the text.  The primitive approach 
would use <Super><smaller> text </s></S> instead.

dana s emery <de19(_at_)umail(_dot_)umd(_dot_)edu>

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