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Re: Initial comments on draft-ietf-822ext-mime-imb-00

1994-06-25 16:41:55
Excerpts from bcc: 25-Jun-94 Re: Initial comments on dra.. =>
ietf-822(_at_)dimacs(_dot_)rutge (3546) 

The grammars for text-type, message-type, application-type, et al. 
unnecessarily and incorrectly restrict the possible values of the 
Content-Type field.  For example, the text-type nonterminal prohibits 
the value of the "charset=" parameter from being quoted and prohibits 
parmeters other than "charset=".  They should all be removed. 

Sigh.  If there's one thing I've really come to HATE in the MIME process 
it is the formal grammar.  I will make a pass at improving it and post a 
new Internet-Draft soon.  -- Nathaniel 

Maybe I spoke too soon.  Upon further reflection, I'm really not sure
what the right way to fix this would be.  We could either remove the
specific grammatical entities for text-type, etc. -- probably my
preference -- or we could add a more complete grammar, along the lines

text-type := "text" "/" text-subtype *text-param 

text-param :=  (";" "charset" "=" charset) / parameter 

text-subtype := "plain" / extension-token 

But even the above doesn't address John's concern about quoted
parameters, and it is already getting way too complicated for my taste. 
Any other suggestions?  -- NB