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Re: MIME/news

1994-12-05 17:36:34
I would recommend that everyone interested in dealing with extensions
to News get and read Henry Spencer's "son-of-RFC-1036" draft.

To be precise, it can be found on as pub/news.{txt,ps}.
The copy in there is a little old, but there's none fresher -- I really
have to find some time to fold in some of the recent comments and put
a new one together.

I have CCed him on this extensive quote, so that he knows he is being
quoted in a discussion on use of extended character sets in News, even
if it is not on a News-related list.

In general, I'd appreciate being CCed on such things.  I manage to read
the 822 mailing list only intermittently these days.

                                                           Henry Spencer

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