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Re: Internationalization of the Internet

1994-12-09 13:26:49
On Dec 9,  9:31am, Dave Crocker wrote:
} Subject: Re: Internationalization of the Internet
} A Mime message very much IS a valid RFC822 message, based on the current
} Internet standards process.

To (hopefully) clarify your clarification:

RFC 822 defines both a message format and rules for extending that format.

MIME extends the message format by following the rules defined in RFC 822.

Therefore, a MIME message is a valid RFC 822 message; but any message in
a format that extends RFC 822 without following those rules, is not.

Bart Schaefer                     Vice President, Technology, Z-Code Software
schaefer(_at_)z-code(_dot_)com               Division of Network Computing 
Devices, Inc.

              civilization (siv"i-le-za'shen), n., see ISO 2022

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