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Re: MIME implementation documentation

1996-08-15 08:20:53
just as a formality, I'll need someone to stand up and say that they have
products implementing MIME according to the new documents.

Our PMDF MAIL user agent implements MIME per the specification. (So does the
version of Pine we ship, but it is not really any different than UW Pine in
this regard.)

We also implement MIME handling as part of our various LAN email, X.400, MR,
and SNADS gateways, but I'm not entirely sure that these really count as MIME
user agent implementations.

If they're prepared to say that they implement all functionality in the
documents completely, I'd be even happier.
(Are there two interoperable implementations of c-t-e: Binary?)

There are probably more implementatons of CTE binary than any other CTE besides
7bit. Ever heard of Web browsers?
