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Re: authenticating the source of mail

2002-05-17 16:39:51

Keith Moore wrote:

we didn't have an open relay.

I won't argue this, but 
<199904040547(_dot_)AAA05080(_at_)astro(_dot_)cs(_dot_)utk(_dot_)edu> indicates
otherwise, and the nature of the ORBS probes essentially required a
message to be relayed. If you say that these facts are not representative
of the truth, so be it.

that's what I meant by naivete - a solution that forces everyone to
incur costs and give up useful functionality without accomplishing
anything useful.

It's voluntary and forces nothing. There is no NECESSARY loss of
functionality (multiple workarounds of varying levels are available, and
are only required if you willingly choose to participate in the elective
and voluntar system). And it has the useful property that organizations
can identify the authorized servers for the mail domains under their
control, allowing recipients to reject blatant forgeries.

Wow, every freaking element of your comment is completely wrong.

I'll write up the I-D and you can piss on that. There is nothing more to
be gained from this round.

Eric A. Hall                              
Internet Core Protocols