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Re: old format date fields (was Re: RFC 2047 and gatewaying)

2003-01-09 09:14:08

Keith Moore wrote:

By the way, could you *please* fix or replace the software which is generating
the illegal Date headers in your messages, e.g.
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 17:07:33 GMT
Non-numeric offsets have been in the "do not generate" category (see RFC 2822)
for more than 20 months.

well, your software still needs to be able to read the things - otherwise how 
you going to read old email?

Yes, it does need to do so, and it does do so.  Nevertheless, messages generated
recently, now, and in the future, including Charles', are supposed to use
numeric offsets (which in any event have been strongly recommended since at
least RFC 1123 ca. 1989).  One might hope that an upgrade would also correct
the annoying tendency of Charles' (and nobody else's) messages showing up with
Date fields that predate their origination by many hours (in some cases days).

Since Charles is using a news reader (viz. NN version 6.5.2 (NOV)), one wonders
whether or not there is more than lip service being paid to compliance with the
Internet text message standards and extensions.

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