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Re: RFC 2047 and gatewaying

2003-01-12 05:27:03

"Bruce" == Bruce Lilly <blilly(_at_)erols(_dot_)com> writes:

 Bruce> I don't follow your argument; could you please explain the
 Bruce> circumstances under which some individual would need to edit
 Bruce> an encoded-word which is part of another person's display name
 Bruce> in a header field.  There is no need to decode and re-encode
 Bruce> in order to use a From field content to generate a new To, Cc,
 Bruce> etc. field.

Leaving aside the question of editing Subject lines, From, To,
etc. fields are routinely decoded in order to incorporate their data
into the body of the message in the form of an attribution line or
quoted message headers.

Or do you expect things like this:

----Original message----
Date: 11 Jan 2003 20:23:00 +0200
From: list-ietf-rfc822(_at_)faerber(_dot_)muc(_dot_)de 
To: ietf-822(_at_)imc(_dot_)org
Subject: Re: RFC 2047 and gatewaying

to appear in encoded form as above?

While the individual may not strictly need to edit them, they
nevertheless become part of an entity that the user is editing.  Of
course, they are not then part of a header field, but if, say, I need
to reply to someone who sent a message which has been sent on to me by
a third party in this way, I have no real option but to copy+paste from
the message body back into the headers.

Expecting RFC2047 encoded-words never to be decoded except for display
is not realistic.


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