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Re: Unicode newsgroup name options

2003-03-02 14:47:32

``I could not send mail to you, there was an error message.''
``What email client do you use?''
``Foo Mail 1.0 for the Bar Operating System.''
``Ah, I see. This mailer creates broken email; my mail server rejects
  them because they are broken.'' (Optional: ``You have to set the
  option foo to make it bejave correctly.'')
``But I can send email to anyone else!''

Note that this assumes that both users have a knowledge beyond that of
the average user and far beyond that of a user who writes his text below
the signature ``because you put the letterhead on the top, don't you?''

what should happen is that the sender gets a message back that says:  

Your message could not be delivered because it was illegally formatted. 
You should replace your mail reader with one that works correctly. 
See for a list of broken mail readers.

of course, that still won't help users who think that if Microsoft makes it,
it must be fine.  then again, such people deserve to lose.