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Re: [ietf-822] A "Reaction" strawman to throw into the mix

2020-11-03 11:03:58
On Mon 02/Nov/2020 22:19:14 +0100 Pete Resnick wrote:
Adding the ability to have a reply message include content tagged as a reaction adds to the semantics of email exchange.

When I think of reactions, I think of providing a UI to add a "Like" button or similar. That seems separate to me from replies, and in some cases replaces it. Having the the user readable part allows you to do a reply should you desire, but I suspect the primary kind of implementation for this kind of feature is a one-hit button for indicating a reaction to a message, similar to the sort that I've seen for implementing "I read this." Both MDNs and a reaction strike me as "add this adornment to the sender's message" rather than "send this message as a reply to the sender's message". MDNs seems semantically closer to the purpose, and the implementation of adding a reaction, both on the sender's side and the receiver's side, seems closer to MDNs.

+1, this seems similar to the return receipt behavior. My MUA is configured to always ask whether to acknowledge or ignore a Disposition-Notification-To: request. It is a kind of reaction indeed.


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