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[Asrg] Standardization of RFC headers for email content analysis?

2003-03-04 14:06:23
  I just thought I'd throw this out there, as I've quickly skimmed the
archives and haven't seen any discussion of this yet:

  Would anyone consider it worthwhile for this group to put some focus
on making existing email content analysis/filter tools (in particular
anti-spam software) more interoperable?

  I suggest a useful step in that direction to be defining a standard
for how they should utilize mail headers to announce the results of
their analysis.  Right now it seems that every program uses a different
set of made up X-Headers in a different and incompatible way.  (Well,
except for ours, which uses "Comments:" headers in a different and
incompatible way.)

  This is very limited in scope relative to the "big picture" issues
this group seems to be chartered to discuss, but I think it would be
very helpful to improve interoperability, effectiveness, and ease of
engineering solutions in the near term.
  -- Clifton

P.S. Hi, Chris!
     Clifton Royston  --  LavaNet Systems Architect --  

  "If you ride fast enough, the Specialist can't catch you."
  "What's the Specialist?" Samantha says. 
  "The Specialist wears a hat," says the babysitter. "The hat makes noises."
  She doesn't say anything else.  
                      Kelly Link, _The Specialist's Hat_
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