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Re: [Asrg] Taxonomy (Four oracles model)

2003-03-10 07:13:30

I'd like to propose a different structure for a taxonomy:

Based on the process of receiving a message and filtering out spam,
I'd like to use a model of (at least) 4 stages, where every stage
is seen as a simple question to an opaque (black box) oracle. The
taxonomy would be based on which of these four oracles the method
applies to and how it is implemented:

- First stage: We receive(d) a message, feed that message and all
  connection information to the first oracle and ask:
    "What do we know about the sender/origin/history of that message?"

  The oracle will tell us any information and whether this is 
  reliable. Example methods:

      * All we now is the sender address given in the header, 
        but not reliable (simplest case i.e. no implementation)

      * We know the sender identity reliable (e.g. e-mail was
        digitally signed)

      * We had a sender indentity which is doubtable (e.g. 
        digitial signature failed to verify)

      * We know that the sender's IP address was authorized
        so send by the domain's administration (RMX alike approach)

      * We know that the sender replied to a former message or
        successfully used some secret (cookie, challenge, nonce...)

- Second stage: We feed the message and the first oracle's answer to 
  the second oracle and ask:

    "Is that message spam?"

  The oracle will tell us "Yes", "No", "I have no idea", maybe a

  Example methods:

      * All content analysis methods, pattern matchers, statistical 

      * Is Sender/Subject black- and whitelisted?

      * Do we accept forged/anonymous mail? What about messages with
        signatures that don't verify?

      * Has anyone else received a similar message? 

- Third stage: We feed the message and the answers of the first and 
  second oracle's answers to the third oracle and ask:

     "What do we do with that particular message?"

  Example methods:

      * accept, reject, drop

      * keep in memory, send a challenge, wait for reply

      * Add special header information

      * forward to a random e-mail address or the asrg mailing list

- Fourth stage: We feed the message and the former answers to 
  the fourth oracle and ask:

     "How do we react, what (c|sh)ould we do to prepare for future, to
      improve the first three oracles, to make the sender stop?"


      * do nothing

      * black-/whitelist the sender

      * black-/whitelist the domain authority or certificate issuer

      * inform legal authorities/ISP/domain authority

      * let the spamfilter "learn" (when it's former answer was wrong)

      * add message to spam database

      * sue the sender or send him 10 copies of each linux kernel 
        developed so far

      * send the assassination squad to the sender

Every method discussed so far finds it's place somewhere in this
model. When we have put all proposed methods and principles into 
that model, we can discuss implementations.

Once we found which methods and implementations are desireable, 
we then can discuss whether they fit in today's SMTP or whether
we need a new transport protocol and how it should look like.

And it makes it easier to see that some proposals do not 
exclude each other or do not compete, since they are located
at different stages. They could complement each other.


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