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Re: [asrg] 6. proposal of solution: Using Relay Honeypots to Reduce Spam

2003-04-17 00:16:59

I don't see that there's what the charter calls "a realistic chance
wide-scale deployment" for what you propose.

You claim 99% success FOR YOUR USERS.  If you are going to make a 
comparison (this is getting silly - anyone who says so has my agreement) 
then you should compare the OVERALL spam-stopping for the entire net, 

No I needn't. I'm evaluating MY (as an inbox provider) incentive to deploy.
I show that your plan (the plan you propose) doesn't
provide an incentive to those who you hope might deploy it.

My conclusion is that there is no realistic chance for deployment.
The consensus is with me. The idea does not meet the requirements.
Sit down now.

My offer to join a "large" scale experiment still stands.
Work on a protocol for your experiment. Marshall the resources.
Come back when you're ready.

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