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Re: [Asrg] Re: draft-danisch-dns-rr-smtp-01.txt

2003-04-27 07:24:01
Vernon Schryver <vjs(_at_)calcite(_dot_)rhyolite(_dot_)com> wrote:
The problem with that is that Hotmail, Yahoo, and most of the rest of
the owners of the domain names that appear in SMTP Mail_From senders
in the majority of spam instruct their DNS servers to always answer
"yes, a.b.c.d authorized" for any and all IP addresses.

  Then their abuse desks should accept complaints about forged spam
from their domain.  And people getting spammed by forgeries should be
able to sue those hosts as sources of spam.

As far as I can tell almost all free mail providers not only
allow but encourage their users to send their mail using the
ISPs that provide connectivity.  They do this for several reasons:

  - It is cheaper for the free mail providers to let someone else
     provide the bandwidth, CPU cycles, and so forth to send mail.

  And we're back to the idiotic idea of "it's cheaper for me to set up
my system so that it's easy for spammers to use it to attack you."

  This reminds me of a recent discussion I had with someone while
playing "Diplomacy".  He approached me, and offered a "deal": England
would give up western Europe, and let France take it over.  When I
explained that there was no upside for me (as England), he said "But
it would be good for me!"  When I reversed the situations in a
hypothetical example, he agreed that the deal was nonsense.

  No amount of dicussion would convince him that it was idiotic of him
to believe I would roll over and play dead so he could kick me.  There
was a massive conceptual gap.  Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.  appear to have
similar conceptual gaps.

  Alan DeKok.
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