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[Asrg] C/R Statistics

2003-05-12 08:51:56
Here are some sender count statistics...not message counts...within a small
production system.  These are the number of senders and their current
states.  The number of messages passed/blocked are much greater.

maverix=# select sender_method,count(*) from maverix_senders group by

 sender_method |  count
 AdminAction   |       67
 UserBlocked   |    31012
 BounceBlocked |   434796
 SelfVerified  |     4254
 UserVerified  |     8123

1) Sometimes, an Admin has to correct a black or whitelisted sender
2) Users add to their own blacklist.
3) We auto-block a lot of spam by receiving an SMTP error: unknown user
4) Senders do respond to C/R.
5) Users also verify a sender more often than a sender responds to C/R

As I mentioed, the probing is of more value than C/R

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