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Re: [Asrg] Proposal: NO_XMIT DNS record

2003-07-13 13:51:08
Scott Nelson <scott(_at_)spamwolf(_dot_)com> wrote:
If widely adopted, this would effectively stop spam from
open proxies and cracked machines.  It might even stop spam
from hijacked IP addresses, depending on how the rDNS is designated.

  It wouldn't stop the spam, it would give a filter which had very low
false positives & negatives.  Spammers could still DDoS people by
sending TCP SYN's.

There is a conflict between the user of an IP address, 
and the owner of the rDNS record.  Many ISPs do not currently
allow the end user to set the rDNS record for the IP they use.
Many others only allow it with the payment of very high fees.

  The IESG should make a statement about businesses selling "internet
connections".  Real "internet connections" are fully capable, for
traffic & identity.  Anything else is second class, and is not a full
internet connection.

  The rDNS problem is a political issue, not a technical matter.

  Alan DeKok.

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