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RE: [Asrg] Trustic anti-spam system closes down because it doesn 't work

2003-08-05 17:06:39
      I can imagine groups of kids getting together in IM chat groups
and deciding to have some fun "shutting down Microsoft" by 
having large
numbers of people report their machines as a source of spam. The same
sort of "community based" attack might be used to shut down the mail
servers of the Democratic National Committee or some specific 
candidate shortly before an election... 

This action is a regular occurrence, not a possibility.

The list is regularly blocked for this reason, fortunately it is
now large enough to be whitelisted in many places but a lot of sysadmins
with differing political views still block it using the blacklist entries as
an excuse.

I'll bet that symantec is on plenty of blacklists because there are people
who sell pirated symantec products using spam at prices that are a fraction
of retail.


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