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Re: [Asrg] 6. Proposals - AMTP (rev 01) - MPC

2003-10-03 09:30:10
Bill Weinman wrote:
At 08:27 PM 10/2/2003, Brad Knowles wrote:

Over 50% of the ccTLD nameservers are open public caching/recursive nameservers and vulnerable to cache pollution/poisoning.

I recognize that there is a problem with DNS that has potential for abuse, but I seriously question whether the mail transfer protocol is the appropriate place to deal with it.

Is this problem, by itself, justification for the additional overhead of X.509 authentication for the *receiving* MTA as a requirement in the mail transfer protocol? I tend to think it's a problem that should be dealt with in DNS.

Please take a look at the archive, we had an extensive discussion a while back in regards to DNS security and DNS-SEC.

Also I would like to point out that certain technical nitty gritties of proposals might be better debated off-list as per RFC 2014:

"     The Chair should attempt to ensure that the discussions on this
      list are relevant and that not devolve to "flame" attacks or rat-
      hole into technical trivia.

Some of the discussion around AMTP has been getting pretty close to "technical trivia". In particular, AMTP has two mailing lists setup for discussion and I would encourage folks to use them. However, I am sure that Bill will keep us updated on regular intervals on AMTP and will come back seeking more comments.


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