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Re: [Asrg] Re: E-postage

2004-04-22 17:52:34

On April 22, 2004 at 09:08 research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com (Yakov 
Shafranovich) wrote:

Let me ask a different question - can you elaborate as to the specific 
reasons why e-postage will help with spam. Perhaps we can achieve those 
same reasons with other means as well.

1. A way to measure and charge for resources consumed.

2. An incentive for measuring such things (like, claiming your
settlements if it came to that.) It would be a nice first result if
some sort of awareness resulted, like if someone's PC is being
exploited by a spammer whenever their screen-saver runs and their ISP
hasn't really paid attention maybe seeing "you sent 134,377 emal
messages yesterday" on sign-up might pique their interest.

And if their ISP can't be bothered to even do that then maybe when
*their* next level up or whatever, perhaps some large service they
would rather not lose contact with who is on the ball, says "you sent
16,333,432 messages to our customers last month, 20M would be
considered excessive" and lazy ISP says wait, I only have 5,000
customers, that's over 3,000 msgs/customer/month or 100/customer per
day just to this one service THAT DOESN'T SEEM LIKELY maybe I'd better
pay attention before I hit that 20M...

3. Would/Could turn spam into a simple "theft-of-service" sort of
crime, where it's fraudulently sent.

4. Most importantly, would have the potential (start down the road)
for making the economics of spam as we know it, sending out tens of
millions of spams per day just to get a few nibbles, impossible.

There is really no way to restrict unstamped email unless it goes to the 
ISPs mail servers. I just want to point out this distinction - people 
would still be free to run their own email servers over whatever system 
they would like such as FreeNet.

And we can't decrement TTLs in IP packets unless the email or other
service does end-to-end w/ the ISP?

I don't think so.

Again, a straw man model.

What I am really interested in discussing is why this would help. The 
issues of how e-postage would work can be left to be worked out but the 
interesting thing is how will e-postage help with spam?

Because the fundamental cause of spam is the absence of any
relationship between resources consumed and resources paid for, to an
astronomical sense. So much so that I assert spamming cannot exist
without criminal abuse of others' resources. But this sort of approach
will also help control a rich and reasonably honest mass advertiser.

But that resource reality includes victims of spammers such as people
who won't secure open proxies etc (with some appropriate leeway for

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