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Re: [Asrg] subverting ISACS

2005-01-12 20:16:05

----- Original Message -----
From: "Seth Breidbart" <sethb(_at_)panix(_dot_)com>
To: asrg(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: Re: [Asrg] subverting ISACS
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 19:52:01 -0500 (EST)

If ISACS users must pre- or post-filter all their mail independently
from the ISACS system, a legitimate question becomes what ISACS brings
to the table in that case.

It's a method of whitelisting, that's all.

Is there anyone out there who has ever had to abandon an email account because 
the amount of spam became unbearable?
Is there anyone out there who has used the same email addresses for, let's say 
10 years or so?  You have given this email address to everyone you have ever 
known.  Your spam burden is so enormous that you think about getting a new 
account every day but you don't because you know that you would loose contact 
with a large number of people.

What does ISACS bring to the table?  ISACS is the only practical system that 
will allow you to paradoxically completely abandon your old email address and 
yet keep it forever.  That 10 year old email account will be completely spam 
free, and your long lost college buddy can still contact you.

No filter can approach this.  ISACS is completely unlike any whitelist.  

Some still believe that email addresses will become compromised at such a 
fantastic rate that deactivating sub-addresses is impractical.  If so then why 
even bother trying to hide any email address?

I activated this Lycos account just for this list more than a month ago.  I 
have not received any spam to date.  You know what's even crazier?  About 7 
years ago I activated a Hotmail account and started using it for all of my 
family and personal acquaintances, being careful never to use it for anything 
else.  For years I never received a single peice of spam, then a couple of 
years ago I started receiving on average about one spam a day.  I keep the 
filter on the lowest setting.  I assume that this trace amount of spam was the 
result of a single unknown breach.  If ISACS had been in place I would have 
just deactivated that sub-address (which was probably known by only a single 
one of my personal contacts).  This is a personal example, but I believe that 
MOST people are spammed as a result of a finite number of security breaches.

I am pleased that the criticisms of ISACS seems to have died down to minutia 
over things like how mailing lists should react when they are sent a bounce.  I 
assume that no one is coming up with a substantive criticism because one cannot 
be found (umm, or because of a total lack of interest).  If this is so I will 
soon once again refine my website and pursue a larger venue.

Michael Kaplan
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