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[Asrg] Re: The thin end of the wedge? SPF Thoughts

2006-02-08 00:04:21

Craig Cockburn said:

The thin end of the wedge?

I'm at a loss to see how this changes anything in terms of what we might do to mitigate spam. Now we have AOL and Yahoo seeing revenue in "legalized SPAM", in which a company pays postage to bypass the anti-spam filters installed by these providers. I can just hear their customers now complaining about these postage-paid bulk e-mails, only to be told that receiving them is part and parcel of their TOS. These guys appear to know how to consume every part of their customers.

The other interesting article at the site was on how America was apparently winning the war on spam. SPAM rates are down according to the BBC, and they stated that many Americans are growing accustomed to spam as a minor nuisance, not enough to make them give up e-mail. As a thermometer for Americans, I know the BBC to be flawed. My informal poll of my two over-18 children indicates that they have abandoned e-mail because the channel is so noisy -- they do text messaging via their cellphones to the party they need to address, or use an instant messaging service. I also know that, in a poll of a single elder American, even a single spam in my mailbox annoys me tremendously, with enough annoyance to imagine all sorts of mayhem perpetrated upon its sender.

As another measure, a significant number of the 3rd party bounce messages my postmaster account is now receiving is for mailbox full conditions. So, for the affected individuals, spam is more than a minor nuisance -- it is preventing them from receiving messages they really need to see. By the way, these "mailbox full" bounces often list many addresses for their providers, thus indicating that the mailboxes provided by these providers are unprotected by any anti-spam regime. I pity their users.


With regard to e-mail oddities and SPF thoughts, as a "newbie" I can't contribute much more than to watch the information my betters are providing me as it comes past. However, with regard to the current .forward protocol as described by "der Mouse" and others, the outward appearance when ".forwarded" mail arrives at a foreign mailserver is identical to the outward appearance of spam -- mail from a perported user appearing from a mailserver not designated to send mail from that user's domain. Hence, either ".forwarding" needs to go away, or a simple method instituted to differentiate it from spam. And "simple" in my mind means not more complicated than a DNS lookup. I'm now looking at all the abbreviations tossed forth in the argument to see what they mean and whether they a synonym for my Holy "simple" Grail.

Doug Campbell

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