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Re: [Asrg] Development of an object assessment format/protocol

2013-03-04 13:59:46

My only thought is how much the coming era of 1,000+ new top-level
domains, internationalization of the DNS space, and IPv6 will motivate
new thinking vis a vis spam and related.

I'm sometimes quoted, from back around 1990, as joking that I
remembered the good old days when you could read all the Usenet
newsgroup topics in one day as they breached 100,000 groups -- an echo
of an older comment by someone else that they remembered when you
could read all the content every day.

Soon, "I remember the good old days when you could recognize all the
TLDs, including the ccTLDs, and had all the gTLDs memorized and could
even say why the were each created!" (other than perhaps .COOP :-)?

So, for example, if your (Joe or Jane End-User) risk assessment of a
.COM or a recognizable string in .COM is lower than some others like
maybe what does it mean when
that spreads to 1,000 or more, possibly closer to 2,000, TLDs alone
let alone internationalization? How can filters even be kept up
without automation? etc. What will they make of punycode domains? etc.

Same question for 128-bit addressing which if nothing else may let
miscreants be much more highly motile.

And I'll toss in the progress of smart phone technology for free, who
thought even a few years ago I could carry around so much spam in my
pants pocket! Now, 64GB is de rigeur. And how go the smartphone
botnets? shudder.

Maybe it's just the calm before the storm?

        -Barry Shein

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