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RE: [ietf-dkim] small question in draft-ietf-dkim-base-00.txt on TXTrecord

2006-02-21 10:26:10
I do not see the value in having a pointer to a CERT record with a
pointer to a cert over a pointer to the cert.

If the idea is to replace the existing key format with self signed
X.509v3 certificates it ignores the long (and justified) history of
ASN.1 hatred in the IETF. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas Otis [mailto:dotis(_at_)mail-abuse(_dot_)org] 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 6:03 PM
To: Hallam-Baker, Phillip
Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] small question in 
draft-ietf-dkim-base-00.txt on TXTrecord

On Feb 20, 2006, at 1:43 PM, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
 Douglas Otis wrote:

DKIM should specify a binary structure used with the CERT RR.   
This RR already offers fields defining the critical hash 
for example.  By just specifying the hash used in 
signature header, 
once a hash algorithm is later discovered compromised, there is no 
means to keep bad actors from using this compromised hash 
for spoofing messages.  It would appear the DKIM draft is 
not ready.

The CERT RR is utterly useless for our purposes unless you are 
confident in the ability of DNS to move DNS messages of at 
least 2Kb 

2048 bits represents 256 bytes of binary data easily and 
reliably stored using the #37 RR.  In addition, the #37 Cert 
RR also provides a method to reference other key acquisition 
options in the event something is needed that DNS can not provide.

      Value  Mnemonic  Certificate Type
      -----  --------  ----------------
          0            reserved
          1  PKIX      X.509 as per PKIX
          2  SPKI      SPKI certificate
          3  PGP       OpenPGP packet
          4  IPKIX     The URL of an X.509 data object
          5  ISPKI     The URL of an SPKI certificate
          6  IPGP      The URL of an OpenPGP packet
          7  ACPKIX    Attribute Certificate
          8  IACPKIX   The URL of an Attribute Certificate
      9-252            available for IANA assignment
        253  URI       URI private
        254  OID       OID private
  255-65023            available for IANA assignment
  65024-65534          experimental
      65535            reserved

With a draft describing the data structure, this could be expanded to:
      Value  Mnemonic  Certificate Type
      -----  --------  ----------------
          9   DKIM      DKIM Binary Key
         10   IDKIM     The URL of a DKIM Key Server

My expectation is that you end up in TCP/IP fallback as mandated in 
the original DNS spec at 500 bytes.

The minimum MTU of 576 bytes constrains DNS messages to 512 bytes.

If you can move packets of that size the need for binary encoding 

If the goal is to handle 2k bit keys, the need for binary 
encoding is paramount.  Otherwise, something other than DNS 
is required, like a key server or perhaps DNSsec. : (


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