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Re: [ietf-dkim] Concerns about DKIM and mailiing lists

2006-03-15 09:11:42
Can we get more of these type of folk on-board to provide guidance?

I'm on the majordomo2 developer's list and maintain its qmail and VERP
interfaces, so I suppose I qualify.

Since mj2 uses the local MTA (sendmail, postfix, qmail, whatever) for
its incoming and outgoing mail, my expectation for the near term is
that we'll do nothing except perhaps to add DKIM-Signature: to the
list of incoming headers to strip on lists that mutate the mail enough
to break the signature, i.e., most of them.  For outgoing mail, the
MTA can do what it does.

Were I so foolish as to send in suggestions that we have to change or
limit mj2's functionality to conform to some DKIM or SSP thing, they'd
be met with derisive laughter.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)iecc(_dot_)com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet 
for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be,, Mayor
"More Wiener schnitzel, please", said Tom, revealingly.

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